Wang's Group Summer Picnic (Jul. 2022) Farewell to Tom (May. 2022) Farewell to Ms. Anne Johnson (July. 2021) Farewell to Delin (May. 2021) Farewell to Diqing, Xudong, and Jinming (Feb. 2021) Wang's Group New Year Party (Jan. 2020) Welcome, Przemyslaw! (Aug. 2019) 100 nm MTJs prepared by Onri Jay Benally (May. 2019) Graduation of Dr. Mahendra D.C. (Jan. 2019) 2018 Summer Group Picnic - Basketball @ Commonwealth Terrace Cooperative Patrick, Xudong and Tom present at ICM (Jul. 2018) Graduation of Dr. Mehedi (May. 2018) Graduation of Dr. Li (Dec. 2017) Graduation of Dr. Wu (Aug. 2017) Farewell to Boo (May. 2017) Senior Design 2022 (May 2022) 2022 Wang's Group New Year Party (Jan. 2022) Farewell to Dr. Sahu! (July. 2021) Farewell to Zhengyang (Jun. 2021) Farewell to Anthony (May. 2021) Wang's Group Virtual New Year Party (Jan. 2021) Dr. Lee's team from Mayo Clinic visiting our lab. (Jan. 2020) Onri featured on Winds of Change (Jul. 2019) Farewell to the senior design students (May. 2019) Check out our MagiCoil team website. Visit of Wang’s group Alumni (Aug. 2018) Left: Jon Harms (Micron) Right: Todd Klein (Zepto Life) Graduation of Dr. Lv (Jul. 2018) Group Happy Hour & Farewell to Dr. Quarterman (Feb. 2018) Graduation of Dr. Quarterman (Jan. 2018) Graduation of Dr. Klein (Dec. 2017) 2017 Summer Group Picnic - Beach Volleyball @ Theodore Wirth Regional Park 2017 Summer Group Picnic - Beach Volleyball @ Theodore Wirth Regional Park 2017 Summer Group Picnic @ Theodore Wirth Regional Park Graduation of Dr. Zhang (Mar. 2017) (Left to right: Xudong Hang, Md Aminul Mehedi, Karl (Boo) Schhlip, Patrick Quarterman, Xiaowei Zhang) Graduation of Dr. Schhlip (Jan. 2017) Happy Hour at Stub and Herbs (May. 2017) Graduation of Dr. Klemm (Jun. 2016)